Sunday, December 27, 2009

20 Tips For Surving the Recession

1. Buy women's dress pants and jeans at Goodwill. No one can tell the difference. Plus jeans are better when they've been through the washer a hundred times. Also, best place to buy men's dress shirts and ties. I've even found some YSL and Oscar de la Renta ties there. My bf is a well dressed man.
2. Make your coffee at home, get your tacos to go. Coffee is a ridiculous thing to pay for. And it takes 2 minutes to make at home. Tacos on the other hand are best made by the pros. And the only cost 85 cents a piece.
3. Take the recession as a time to learn to cook more & better. Eating out is a luxury nowadays.
4. Take your lunch to work. If your eat out every lunch you're spending at least $40 a week on lunch. Think how much meat you can stock your freezer with for that much.
5. This goes back to #3 - make double portions at dinner so you have leftovers the next day for lunch.
6. Get Netflix and stop going to the movies. Or get familiar with newsgroups. We just hooked up our netflix to our tv. Now we don't even have to wait on the mailman.
7. Take advantage of the free afternoons at the local museum. The Witte and SAMA are on Tuesday, McNay on Thursday. Gets you out of the house when you have no money to spend on dinner, drinks, etc.
8. Drink at home. A bottle of wine at a restaurant is $45, the same bottle is $10.99 at HEB. You do the math. Same goes with beer. A few downtown bars actually charge $5 for a bottle of Coors Light. I was born at night, but not last night.
9. Skip the sodas at the grocery store. They aren't good for you anyway. Stock up on coffee and tea and frozen juice.
10. Buy frozen vegetables instead of fresh. My brother, the chef, would roll his eyes but it stings when you spend your last $10 on fresh veggies and you don't get around to cooking in time and you have to throw them in the garbage can.
11. Resist the temptation to go eat out. Yes, you spent all day at work and you don't want to cook. Things like mac & cheese come in real handy at times like these.
12. Reward yourself, on occasion, with something small. Like going out for ice cream.
13. Walk. Which is great when you live downtown, maybe not so much in other areas of town.
14. Have a leftovers night. Throwing away food is a sin.
15. No matter how down you get on yourself or situation, remember that there are people right now trying to get a good night sleep on the street in San Antonio and it's pretty cold out there.
16. Take your vitamins and drink lots of OJ. Not all of us have health insurance, can pay out of pocket for a doctor's visit, etc. And we don't want you to get us sick either.
17. Read more. The basement at Central Library is where they keep all the books they want to sell. Way cheaper than Half Price Books. Most items are bwtween $1-$2.
18. Instead of meeting friends out for drinks or dinner, invite them over - but remind them to bring a six-pack or bottle of vino too. I'm not unicef unfortunately. I'm happy to cook and mix the drinks, but I can't afford to foot the whole bill.
19. Don't pay for some fancy gym membership. Run. The riverwalk is a GREAT place to run. Not the touristy areas though.
20. Be thankful for what do you have.

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